

An expert facelift can deliver the largest amount of desired change in good candidates, which is why it’s often referred to as the “Gold Standard” of facial rejuvenation, the highest standard to which all other procedures are compared. The improvements are substantial, and they typically can last in the range of 8–10 years. A natural, more youthful appearance is the fundamental goal for any facelift procedure.
Facelift procedures are divided into three major areas: The brow lift, the mid-facelift, and the lower face/neck lift. Brow lifts address sagging tissues on the forehead, vertical wrinkles (frown lines), and the position of the eyebrows. Mid-face lifts address the deep creases under the eyes and from the nose to the corner of the mouth. Lower-face and neck lifts are probably the most common facelift procedure, where we address the loss of muscle tone that results in jowls and sagging tissue under the chin.
Facelifts are “outpatient” procedures. That means that even though patients leave the same day as the procedure, they should plan on taking two or three weeks off to recover.
We keep close tabs on patients as they recover. Surgery is medicine and medicine is about healing. Once recovery is behind you, look forward to your rejuvenated face smiling at you in the mirror for years to come.
It is important to realize that procedures can be performed simultaneously or in stages to gradually improve facial appearance without overly dramatic changes. Areas of concern may be treated early to avoid larger procedures later. The best results are often achieved in conjunction with the use of injectable fillers and regular skincare procedures.

Concerned About Cost?

Talk to us about financing options, savings plans, and ways you can manage cosmetic expenses.


Call (505) 913 4360 or use the form below. Discuss your goals in-depth, get all your questions answered, and learn if you are a good candidate for specific products and procedures during your no-cost consultation.

We will call you during business hours to schedule a convenient date and time.

    Face Lift Before + After Photos